Did you know that most professional graphic facilitators are bound by non-disclosure agreements, confidentiality agreements, and other ethical guidelines? This means that a vast amount of my work cannot be shared with anyone, and what you see in this portfolio is limited to practice sessions on public domain material, public sessions of membership organizations, and clients who have given permission to share for promotional purposes.
Analog Graphic Recording
Now that people are meeting in person again for live events and trainings, I can be found back in front of a large sheet of chart paper, markers in hand, capturing the key concepts and memorable moments of the meeting. Click the button the see some samples.

Digital Graphic Recording
Using an iPad and connecting via Zoom, I have provided graphic recording services for a 300-person all-day conference as well as smaller collaborative team meetings. The skill set is the same. The results similar. The charts go out same day with no scanning required! Click below to see more.
Studio Work
Sometimes, the work doesn’t have to happen LIVE. Either there is a lot of intricate detail or we are designing templates to be used in a meeting later. Another possibility is adding custom illustrations to enhance a document. Click below to see some possibilities for your project.